Project Description
Destination North Coast DMP 2018 to 2021
Meredith led the development of the North Coast Destination Management Plan in cooperation with Claire Ellis Consulting. This project involved working closely with the North Coast’s General Manager, Business Development Manager and Board and Destination NSW and was underpinned by a comprehensive situational analysis and stakeholder engagement process. Importantly, this Plan identified seven key strategic priorities that were determined through the consultation process, assessment of marketing trends, and review of the current and potential North Coast tourism operating environment. Seven Experience Platforms were identified to drive and coordinate tourism product and experience development across the North Coast over the next four years. The methodology to develop the Plan has included:
- An analysis of global, national, state, regional and local tourism trends
- A review of the previous North Coast Destination Management Plan and the existing Destination Management Plans from within the region
- A review of relevant State strategies
- A survey of tourism managers to determine tourism product and experience strengths, infrastructure priorities and support required from Destination North Coast
- A strategic session with the Destination North Coast Board
- Engagement including: 6 workshops, interviews, industry workshop to present the draft DMP, distribution of the draft Plan for comment.