Project Description
Astro Tourism Best Practice Review
Meredith was engaged by Griffith University’s Institute for Tourism to undertake research to identify best practice strategies that have been adopted by observatories, planetariums and science centres around the world to provide contemporary, unique and rewarding visitor experiences to inform the proposed re-development of the Cosmos Centre, Charleville.
The best practice report presented findings of the first stage of a broader project that was designed to assist Murweh Council to plan for improvements to better position the Cosmos Centre as an important attraction in Outback, Queensland.
Research involved undertaking a desk top review of current web sources to identify observatories, planetariums and science centres that demonstrate best practice in the design and delivery of contemporary and innovative visitor products and programs to stimulate visitation and rewarding visitor experiences from a built and experiential perspective. Nine international and three domestic case studies were selected that offered relevant learnings that could be applied to the Cosmos Centre, Charleville.